Why are international treaties and agreements so long (as in the length of the document itself)?


What makes these so lengthy? One example is [Maastricht Treaty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maastricht_Treaty) (signed in 1992 that forms the basis of today’s European union) which is hundreds, if not thousands of pages long.

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

everyone will say shit like “legalese must be perfect”. But it is to hide corruption.

just like wars are so one group can profit (who do you think profit after the ” US” or “UK” secure oil somewhere? the tax payers?) Comercial treaties are the “soft” version of that.

In that sea of BS there is one tiny regulation that pretty much says “only bob’s business can profit for this multibillion port” but written to sound like a valid reason like “for something-certified corporations” , that usually are also named like so in another law for tax breaks for maximum efficiency.

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