Why are junk foods so addicting?


Why can’t I be addicted to broccoli or something?

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10 Answers

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There’s a symbiotic relationship between many plants and the animals that eat part of them.

Imagine wild horses and a wild apple tree. If the tree spreads by apples just falling to the ground it will not do well, and the Grove cannot bridge barren sections.

But if a wild horse eats an apple, the horse can walk/gallop a few miles before passing the seeds.

The seeds get a pile of warm and moist manure to start growing roots in, and the horse gets a tasty snack.

While the seeds are immature on the tree, the fruit is bitter, but when the seeds are mature, he fruit turns slightly sweet, and the horses can smell the sweetness.

In this way, mammals developed a taste for sweet fruit and vegetables as a means to acquire sugar, to convert to energy.

Now, we have concentrated granulated sugar and high-fructose-corn-syrup, allowing us to consume way more calories than we could naturally. Everything is sweet now, and many things are extra sweet.

Plus as far as burning calories, humans were never intended to sit still in cubicle all day.

It’s like drinking whiskey every day, instead of an occasional beer and then watching TV instead of going for a walk.

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