Why are lawyers afraid of suspects fleeing the country?


Can’t the passports be frozen?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can still flee the city, county, or state they’re in. Also, there are ways of getting into and out of countries without passports.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many countries don’t check your passport on the way *out*, it’s when you try to enter a new country that your passport gets checked. And international cooperation on crimes and travel is notoriously spotty…if you’re fleeing, you’re going to flee to a country that *doesn’t* cooperate well with the country you’re in trouble in, so they’re not very likely to care.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends a bit on the suspect. A Colombian drug dealer got connections and money to leave the country regardless (and therefore seldom get bail). Your garden variety shoplifter not so much.