Why are majority Caucasian countries doing so well in almost all positive aspects of society compared to the rest of the world(barring the oil empire when it comes to wealth)?


Why are majority Caucasian countries doing so well in almost all positive aspects of society compared to the rest of the world(barring the oil empire when it comes to wealth)?

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10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a few reasons and it’s hard to summarize them. For starters European countries built large militaries and exported their dominance to much of the world, called imperialism and colonization. They were able to extract riches and resources from other parts of the world and take them home. This gave them an incredible “head start” if you will at the same time limiting the growth and development opportunities for their colonies. They displaced significant populations in various ways including warfare and the slave trade.

On top of that the industrial revolution originated in the west and the results and advantages of it were disproportionately in the west. It could be because the west was less interested in exporting industry, and some places were resistant to receiving it.

A few typical prerequisites for significant economic development include a relative degree of domestic peace and stability and also a somewhat literate population. Development these days looks different than it did before, because nobody is inventing machine looms from scratch. People have to learn and there has to be investment which is not cheap. Countries like Japan, South Korea, and Singapore had a different roadmap to development than say UAE or South Africa. Some years ago India and China had a lot in common, but China took of with its development while India has not.

There are a lot of downsides that can come with economic progress, while the standard of living goes up, and opportunities for individual accomplishment goes up as well, families tend to drift apart, urbanization rises and so can crime, and suicide. Among others.

Good luck

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