Why are many basketball players so tall and lanky?


I didn’t say all because I know there are plenty who are on the shorter side but have amazing skill, or perhaps some on the hefty side. I don’t watch too much basketball so I’m basing my question on the few live games I’ve actually seen and just students at the high school gym and such.

Anyways for the most part I notice they’re all incredibly tall and usually on the lankier side of the spectrum. What gives? I always thought it was just that they literally have exercises they do that overtime aid in their height structure and everything, or that basketball requirements really are that strict and you have to meet criteria. But yeah…please.

In: Biology

7 Answers

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It’s advantageous to be able to get your hands/arms as close to the basket as possible for highest percentage shot, to be able to reach high to block another’s shot, and to shoot over others.

But basketball also requires a lot of running up and down the court, on wood floors. So height and heftiness would be hard due to challenge running up and down the court, as well as the wear and tear of all that weight on the knees (but there are some exceptions, like Shaquille O’Neal). So that’s why you tend to see tall but lanky. Players at the elite levels of top tier college and NBA build muscle through years of weight lifting, so they become less lanky looking than high school age players.

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