Why are many cars’ screens slow and laggy when a $400 phone can have a smooth performance?


Why are many cars’ screens slow and laggy when a $400 phone can have a smooth performance?

In: 11486

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am going to go against the grain: Better tech is new, until the next generation. A reliable and scalable tech is harder to do. So in order to save costs for you and themselfs the car companies will gfo with reliable and tested true tech until such time as the stuff available becomes cheap and reliable enough, or its so much better it needs to be implemented.

I will give the example of cruise control. Now it will recognise speed signs as well as other cars, before it just set a throttle by wire at a set speed and leave it there.

Touch screens were bad, now they are good. Whilst it took a while to get the good screens into cars. Many of these cars will last 10+ years. We went from lcd to oled foldables in 10 years…. Its all well and good to say, just keep up with the times, but reality is that some tech fads come and go. But cars need to for the most part, be able to provide the same experience for most of their lifetime.

And like others have said this is also partly because it takes a few years and a few models to make back the costs of investing into changing all the manufacturing for some new part.

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