why are men hairier but also more likely to go bald?


Also does male pattern baldness affect places other than the head?

In: 5

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know the exact mechanisms but it has to do with testosteron as some women with PCOS and high levels of androgens can also get these ‘problems’.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Men are not actually hairier than women. Men and women’s hair follicle density is about the same. What is different is that men generally have a higher percentage of terminal hair on their body compared to women who generally have a higher percentage of vellus hair.

Terminal hair is the thick and long hair while vellus is short, thin and light (peach fuzz).

Men tend to go bald (all men do just to different amounts) due to testosterone. I don’t know the exact chemical names but testosterone binds to other chemicals which then bind to hair follicles on the scalp and this over time reduces their ability to produce hair.