Why are most cyber attacks reported as taking a website down?


As we see more and more cyber attacks making headlines they all seem mention “the ministry of X website was taken down” or “ Department of X’s website was unavailable”. It seems to me that taking down a website is a pretty small move, if that’s it. I don’t need to access the Dept. Of Energy website to make my life work. Is the website being down just a public facing indication of more bigger things going on behind the scenes, like files being inaccessible for internal users?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s the easiest, most verifiable version of the story. To know if there are any backend server issues would require internal knowledge (e.g. from a sysadmin).

To your other point, a website being down is not always an indication of other issues, behind the scenes. The publicly facing website of a government department will often have a different hosting solution to wherever their important data is stored.

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