Why are old movies and videos are in a square frame and nowadays they are in a rectangle frame?


Why are old movies and videos are in a square frame and nowadays they are in a rectangle frame?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

* Cinema was 4:3
* TV came along at 4:3
* Cinema went wide-screen as a way to differentiate itself from TV. (2.35:1 became common).
* TV developed a mid-way windscreen 16:9 format

Cinema started before tv and used a squarish 4:3 aspect ratio.

TV came along, also using 4:3. Cinema developed various wide-screen formats as a way to attract more people away from TV and back to the cinema.

TV made standards and decided to go for wide-screen 16:9 as a half way between squarish TV and the much wider common cinema format.

Around this time, TV went through a technological shift from CRT to LCD as well as from analog to digital broadcast and it meant people upgrading were only choosing wide-screen TVs

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