why are our lips redder than the rest of our face?


why are our lips redder than the rest of our face?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

According to “The Naked Ape” which was a great read, we evolutionarily developed darker pigments in areas of our bodies meant to mimic full arousal of genitalia (darker colours, swollen, inflamed, larger)…to encourage sexual arousal and better reproductive rates.

Not sure if I agree, but perhaps.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The skin is a bit thinner than normal skin and there are lots of blood vessels there, so it becomes pretty red.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a lot of blood vessles there and the skin is thinner because it is very important for your lips to be sensitive to temperature. This doesnt work at all however, wich you can tell from the amount of times ive burned my mouth on (too) hot chocolate.