Why are people drawn to entertainment with a lot of violence and sex?


Why are people drawn to entertainment with a lot of violence and sex?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because contrary to the Snowflakes in the world humans are a violent and aggressive species. We love and grave violence. Modern society has attempted to subdue that urge so it is replaced by technological tools such as TV.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simply because the watching such content makes the body to produce happy, thrilling, exciting chemicals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cos that’s thrilling. It gets the dopamine running as a rather nebulous combination of things like the thrill of this stuff being stuff that doesn’t happen much in daily life, the thrill of the story developing as a result of this stuff and of course the simple thrill of sex being sexy. If all you want from your programming is a good hit of dopamine, you’re not going to get much better than something about violence and sex.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Violence and sex were important events for prehistoric humans to witness. If Cro and Magnon are fighting, maybe Cro will win and become the new leader of the tribe, or maybe Magnon will remain dominant. If Erectus and Lucy fuck, the baby could be his, and that might be important information if Lucy later claims Neander is the father. Violence and sex are consequential, life altering events and remain so today.