Why are plants and chlorophyll green?

667 viewsBiologyOther

I mean, I know plants are green because chlorophyll is green. But why is that? Is that particular hue any better or more efficient for plants, light absobtion or energy transfer? Was it just random that these molecules happen to be green? Or is green really better than other colors for this job?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically yeah it’s just random, what we need to understand about evolution is that is has no “intention” it happens and if it’s beneficial it tends to stay and otherwise it tends to dissapear so while it’s not inherently the best or the most efficient it could be it’s “good enough”. Think of it this way, porcupines didn’t develop spikes to fend of predators, they are able to fend off predator BECAUSE they “randomly” developed spikes.

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