Why are priests not allowed to have sex?


Why are priests not allowed to have sex?

In: Other

6 Answers

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– Biblical: Because St. Paul recommended it as the ideal (1 Cor 7).
– Sacramental: Because marriage is also an all-consuming vocation.
– Liturgical: So the priest can act as undistracted *in persona Christi* during the Eucharist, when granting Absolution, etc.
– Theological: Because the priest is married to the Church.
– Pastoral: So the priest can deal with parishioners indiscriminately.
– Economic: So their children won’t sue the diocese over inheritance.
– Comparative: Because priests in the Catholic tradition have traits usually reserved to monks and nuns.

And so on. There are a lot of reasons.

However, the truth of the matter is that many priests *do* have sex, often with each other. One must exercise discretion and, if one has violated vows, seek Reconciliation and notify the bishop, but Catholic priests aren’t “allowed” to have sex in exactly the same way Catholic laywomen aren’t “allowed” to use birth control. Doesn’t mean it never happens!

I know of a local (excellent) priest who had a relationship with a woman, and because the details became public he was reassigned and is prohibited from using his priestly faculties except in emergencies. He’s taking advantage of this forced sabbatical to finish his doctorate, and will no doubt work as a priest again one day—or leave the priesthood. It’s a decision he’ll clearly need more time to make, and the removal of his faculties gives him that time.

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