Why are PS5s still so hard to buy?


Thing came out like a year ago. No closer to finding one than the day they released.

In: Economics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s an international shortage of processor chips and other hardware needed to make PS5s, partially due to the pandemic interrupting supply chains and causing backlogs at factories that make the parts, but also because a ton of people during the pandemic decided to invest in better home computers (either to farm cryptocurrency or to play video games at home since they were stuck indoors) and there’s a shortage of the chips needed to make PS5s as a result.

Likewise, there’s not a Sony PS5 factory. Instead, Sony has to rent out the use of a factory ahead of time for, say two weeks, and during those two weeks the factory will make PS5s. The problem is that if it turns out you sold out immediately, then you need to schedule another time in the future to make more PS5s, and you are at the mercy of the factory’s schedule for when they will have other openings available.

Sony would LOVE to make more PS5s and sell them all. It’s just that a perfect storm of problems is keeping that from happening.

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