Why are so many artists pulling out of Woodstock 50?


Is it because the event moved to Maryland? Why does no one want to play in Maryland/Merriweather Post Pavilion?

In: Culture

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Speaking as someone who runs events (albeit no where near on this scale) the first rule is book the venue. Until you’ve done that and it’s firm you can’t plan anything else.

The festival apparently doesn’t even have its permits yet, which is appalling in terms of planning.

The last minute move to Maryland is a sign they don’t have their act together, and it’s a significant logistical problem for many artists.

A number of the acts were already booked for pre + post shows in the original area, so there are no hotels booked, trucks and equipment have to be moved around last minute, it’s a giant mess.

One act called the show a Sinking Ship.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The original idea was to have Woodstock 50 in upstate NY. That was going to be a stadium-sized event with lots of fans and tickets. Alas, nobody would agree to provide the venue. At the last second, literally Fyre Festival late, the venue switched to a 30K+ place south of Baltimore. That’s not the sort of thing that artists agreed to, and moving it out of NY gave them the option to cancel their participation while keeping the advance money they were paid. So, the artists did that. They are worried about this going the FF disaster route, and nobody wants to be associated with that.