why are so many extra chemicals and things put in cigarettes?


why are so many extra chemicals and things put in cigarettes?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re not, as much as people think. The curing process (drying out the tobacco) results in a lot of stuff, but it’s not intentionally added, it’s just the natural result of leaving the tobacco to dry in optimal conditions (various naturally-occurring bacteria and such, will consume some things and produce other things – nitrosamines and lots of other chemicals).

There are other ways to cure and process tobacco – aerobic vs anaerobic, pasteurization vs fermentation, etc.

You can get vastly different results depending on how you process it, even without adding anything in.

Actually adding stuff in intentionally could be done, and might be done for flavoring or whatever, but it may be trivial compared to what comes out of the natural processing.

Then there’s the actual combustion itself, which is a chemical reaction that produces a lot of stuff that wasn’t inherently there or added before that.

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