Why are so many things 99.9% effective? Why not 98.9%?


Why are so many things 99.9% effective? Why not 98.9%?

In: Other

7 Answers

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Virtually any task is very challenging under certain conditions (And usually there is chance factor even for simpler cases). If you are trying to excel at a task, it is likely that you will get stuck at a point close to 100%. Why?

– Two numbers like 99% and 99.99% may look very close to each other. However the first one fails 100 times more often than the second one (The failure rates are 1% and 0.01% respectively). So there is a huge range of possibilities in that small-looking window.

– Plus there is this thing called low-hanging fruits. For example, improving the performance from 50.00% to 50.01% is much easier than improving from 99.90% to 99.91%.

– These being said, sometimes these numbers are said arbitrarily. In this way, one cannot blame or sue them so easily. Claiming 100% success is practically impossible.

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