Why are some Atoms “Easier” to become Ions than others?


Why are some Atoms “Easier” to become Ions than others?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ionizing an atom is adding or removing electrons. The position of the electron you want to add or remove is very important. Electrons are arranged in an odd way similar to seats in a movie theater. The front row has 2, the second third and fourth row have 8 which are partitioned into sets of 2 and 4, and as you go down the periodic table you add more partitions. The ionization energy depends on which seat you’re trying to add or remove an electron from.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because of their Electronegativity (hope thats the right translation) and their size. The Electronegativity basically is a force (Noted in the Periodic table) which defines how strong they are able to “suck” other electrons to themselves.