: why are some burgers wrapped in wrappers(hamburger for example) while others are packaged in those “boxes” (fillet-o-fish for example) ?


: why are some burgers wrapped in wrappers(hamburger for example) while others are packaged in those “boxes” (fillet-o-fish for example) ?

In: 26

4 Answers

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If you pay for a premium product your brain expects a premium presentation. Without that the food will literally not taste as good as you expect.

There have been numerous psychological experiments about this. One of my favorites are ones where the researchers offers the participant two different products. They look almost exactly the same but one is more expensive. The participants will almost always say the expensive one is better. However the truth is both are the same product. the mind tricked the participant into feeling the expensive one was better because it expected it to be better.

So if I bring a burger out wrapped in paper gave you eat it, and then bring one out in a sturdy individual sized box you are more likely to find the one in the box more appealing even if they are the same exact burger recipe.

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