Why are some industrial chimneys so high, like what’s the difference if it’s 150 or 300 meters?


Why are some industrial chimneys so high, like what’s the difference if it’s 150 or 300 meters?

In: Engineering

25 Answers

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Going to come at this from a slightly different angle, but industrial chimneys or stacks may create a large amount of noise, depending on the exit speed of the gas/particulate matter that it is emitting. The noise acts as a point source, and the higher it is from the ground the less noisy it is to the people around it. There are specific guidelines in some jurisdictions that regulate how loud a stack can be, and what noise levels are allowed in different noise zoning areas may affect a company’s decision to build a different height of stack. For example, here is the Ontario noise guideline for stacks: https://www.ontario.ca/page/environmental-activity-and-sector-registry-limits-and-other-requirements-activities-air-emissions#section-3

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