Why are sounds like rain and campfires relaxing to so many people?


How does a sound calm people down, is it all association with good memories?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So actually when rain hits the floor really hard or lightning strikes nearby or you have a large fire, it actually produces small amounts of negative ions.
Now that negative ions dont do much but your body absorbs them and they are an all natural antidepressant.
People who tend to have depression symptoms will notice the slightest bit of better feeling when around rain or fire all your life and subconsciously you train yourself to like it.

This isn’t accurate in 100% of scenarios but I think a large portion of people do this without even realizing it.
That doesn’t mean people without depression cant like rain or fire but I have a feeling is a different kind of enjoyment they get out of it.

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