Why are student-on-student crimes in high schools (like assault) often prosecuted under school rules only, and not law?


Why are student-on-student crimes in high schools (like assault) often prosecuted under school rules only, and not law?

In: Other

6 Answers

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If the victim files a police report, and the police can gather enough evidence, then for sure the crown/state can take care of it and charge the suspect. It is possible for the school to act according to their own regulations, and for the crown state to act with their own.

The problem with criminal charges is that evidence might be hard to come by, especially for assault. Are there any witnesses that will testify, is it a clear case of assault, more of a fight? Since the crown/state has to make the case, they might go nowhere without due to a good chance that they will not be able to convince the court.

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