Why are subjects illuminated by blue light so hard to show on TV?


Such as in this [image. ](https://imgur.com/a/dDeIjIY)

This screen cap was taken from a live stage performance where the subject was briefly illuminated by a blue light. Why is there such a strange effect made by the light?

I have played the broadcast on an OLED and a LCD screen and the effect is the same, so I’m guessing it is a camera side issue?

Thank you.

In: Technology

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When a digital camera sensor picks up light that has a very bright color or overall light it can clip at the top. Basically the blue is so much brighter than everything else that the camera can’t tell the different intensities of blue anymore so it records them at maximum brightness. This gives an area of full bright blue that is no longer a good representation of what it looked like live.

HDR helps fix this by giving more possible brightness values for each color.