Why are submarines so hard to detect even with modern equipment?


Why are submarines so hard to detect even with modern equipment?

In: Engineering

5 Answers

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It’s a complicated topic that takes a fair amount of training to comprehend and utilize, but the key point is that the sound a submarine makes simply doesn’t reach the detectors.

* Submarines are designed to be quiet. The details of these design features is classified.

* Detection ranges in naval warfare are great enough that they are typically rounded to thousand-yard increments.

* Any detector needs to overcome its self-noise, noise from sealife, and other ocean noises (like waves) and pick out and identify the specific noise of the Submarine.

* Sound doesn’t travel linearly in the ocean. Due to changes in temperature, pressure, and salinity, sound waves will refract in their path through the ocean, which means that the sound waves simply won’t reach certain areas regardless of how good the detector is.

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