Why are the doors bigger on 2 door cars?


I mean obviously, I get that there’s more space to make them larger; but from a manufacturing point of view, surely it’s easier to only make smaller doors made for the 4 door models, and just use them on the 2 models as well?

On top of that, two door’s struggle to fit into tighter parking spaces because the larger doors require more space to open, which is counter intuitive when you consider two door cars are thought of as smaller.

I’d have thought smaller doors would be stronger too, since shorter cuts of metal will flex less easily, and it would give more space to better reinforce the rear, door-less part of the car.

Am I overlooking something obvious here?

In: Engineering

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the car is 2 door but still have 2 rows of seats you need larger door else it would be almost impossible to get into the back seats.

I have not idea if there is a car with a 2 and 4 door variant where the 2 door variant only has front seats and the 4 door variant has a front and back seat where you using the same doors could mase sense.