Why are the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio so common throughout nature?


Does it have to do with something that involves cell/DNA formation, or other topics in biology/chemistry? Or is this based on coincidence?

In: 19

8 Answers

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The Fibonacci Numbers are a sequence to explain a growth over generations of species.
This Formula was developed by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci when observing the growth of rabbits over the number of generations. Think of it as the number of rabbit pairs in the
3rd generation is the number of rabbits pairs in the 1st plus 2nd generation (1+2=3), in the 4th generation it would be second plus third(=5), in the fifth 3rd plus and 4th(=8) and so on.
So nothing of cell, chemistry or DNA just a biological observation. Because it is of growing populations you find that sequence everywhere where things grow.

There is a theorem that Fibunacci numbers can be calculated by golden ratio.(Please don’t ask me to explain, I only happen to know). But that would also explain, why the golden ratio is so common.

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