why are the gas pedal and brake shaped the way they are?


There has to be a specific reason why most cars all have similar shapes to their pedals.

In: 4757

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It also harkens back to the times of [Heel & Toe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heel-and-toe_shifting) shifting, where the right foot operates two pedals at the same time. Accelerator pedal is elongated, so it can be hit with the heel, while toes (or rather the ball of the foot) is on the brake pedal.

It is still used in competitive driving, and by some car nuts on the road today (me included), but used to be necessary before the advent of transmission gear synchronisation (so like 70 year ago for most cars), if you wanted to brake and change gear at the same time. Still, it is more possible with some brands. More sporty the brand, more the pedal layout allows it.

With pictures (don’t believe the webpage, women can do it too!):

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