Why are the United states larger the further west you go?


Why are the United states larger the further west you go?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the country started on the East Coast as smaller colonies. When these colonies broke away from England to create a new country, they mostly just kept their borders. And then the US started to expand to the West and there weren’t pre-defined borders so the territories that started forming and then applying for statehood basically came up with their own.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Right Answer is this: the Colonies started on the East Coast, BUT Virginia’s original Charter went clear to the Pacific. The 14th Colony, Maine, had its border the Sea, Canada, and went as far North as about 1/2 the present size of the State, the rest was Canada. Some early colonies were so large that other States were made from the territory.

So the shape of the USA map is determined by the land claims of Canada and the two oceans. Had the USA conquered Canada, we tried TWICE, then the border would be the North Pole and Mexico, and the shape different