Why are there 1TB micro SD cards that are the size fingernail and most 1TB hard drives are bigger than my hand?


Why are there 1TB micro SD cards that are the size fingernail and most 1TB hard drives are bigger than my hand?

In: Technology

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lol this isn’t engineering wtf.

Solid state data storage like an SD card and magnetic storage like a hard drive are fundamentally different technology; this is like asking why a VHS Tape needs to be bigger than a Blu-Ray despite the latter having a larger capacity.

The reason they both exist is that they have different characteristics and use cases. An SD card is slow but physically compact, a HDD faster than an SD but far larger and probably cheaper. An SSD is faster than both, smaller than a HDD but bigger than an SD and more expensive than both.

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