Why are there 1TB micro SD cards that are the size fingernail and most 1TB hard drives are bigger than my hand?


Why are there 1TB micro SD cards that are the size fingernail and most 1TB hard drives are bigger than my hand?

In: Technology

25 Answers

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SD cards have only one package of memory limiting performance. Normal size (SSD) drives have multiple packages that give you much better performance: e.g. the SD card will take 8s to weite something, the SSD will only take 1s because it was able to split the write into 8 smaller pieces onto 8 different packages.
Compared to HDDs: SD cards and SSDs have limited number of writes before it dies, HDDs can be written indefinitely because it has magnetic platters that don’t degrade with every write. SD cards and SSDs also have a limited number of reads before the data gets corrupted (known as read disturb), this is more pronounced as the SD card and SSD ages. On SD cards the data needs to be manually refreshed; most SSDs will do this for you automatically; HDDs don’t have this problem.

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