why are there different sized batteries (aaa-D, etc) if they all put out the same 1.5v?


why are there different sized batteries (aaa-D, etc) if they all put out the same 1.5v?

In: 394

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simply put larger batteries have more stored power for longer, higher ‘volumes’ of power. They put out the same amount of power they just hold different amounts of it.

Batteries are like gas tanks. A big pickup truck will have a massive tank because it doesn’t use the gas very efficiently. That’s like your D battery. A little car will have a smaller tank. Not only because it can use the same gas more efficient but you also don’t want to put a massive tank in something so small, this will cause weight issues and it’s just overkill. There’s your little AAA battery.

Now imagine something in your everyday life that uses batteries. A TV remote for example. They can last years on just a couple AAA batteries. Why would you want to instead use massive D batteries in that. Youd make the remote massive and unwieldy just to extend the already long life it can get out of something smaller.

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