Why are there many gpu manufacturers (zotac, Asus, msi…) but onlz 2 pc CPU manufacturers?


Why are there many gpu manufacturers (zotac, Asus, msi…) but onlz 2 pc CPU manufacturers?

In: Technology

10 Answers

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You’re statement is not entirely correct. There are many manufacturers for CPUs. However, the most dominant ones for general purpose computing are Intel and AMD. The problem with trying to enter the general purpose CPU market is competition from intel and AMD. It takes a lot of money and marketing.

Likewise, for GPUs, there are only a few dominant general purpose GPU makers: AMD, nvidia, and intel. There are others as well, but they are not well known.

Asus, MSI, zotac, etc, are board manufacturers who put GPUs onto their boards and sell them. Likewise, they also sell motherboards to put CPUs on.

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