Why are there multiple types of command line interfaces in windows rather than just one? Command prompt, Powershell etc.


Why are there multiple types of command line interfaces in windows rather than just one? Command prompt, Powershell etc.

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The command prompt is basically the backwards compatible prompt that goes all the way back to the first MS DOS.

It has a lot of baggage of stuff that made sense once upon a time or doesn’t make sense but nobody saw it at that time and generally carries around with it a history of almost 40 years.

A lot of things that are relatively easy in your average Linux BASH shell are extremely awkward in a CMD BAT. You can still do them, you just won’t have much fun while doing it.

Instead of changing the CMD prompt and breaking comparability Microsoft invented a new prompt called power-shell.

The power-shell is basically the windows framework that windows is based on in a script form.

It is object oriented and wells structured and generally designed with some thought given to it. Where in CMD everything was text, in PS you just have objects.

You can still call on all the old CMD programs like ipconfig from the PS prompt, but you are supposed to use the relevant PS equivalents.

It makes scripting things much easier on windows.

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