Why are there only 7 musical notes? Was it decided to divide sounds like that or are there no more in nature?


Why are there only 7 musical notes? Was it decided to divide sounds like that or are there no more in nature?

In: Other

15 Answers

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Enough comments have been made to help with the cultural aspect of western music and how intervals are legitimately culturally based but also influenced by harmonic physics.

That being said. I think it’s important to also bring up that rhythm is also in this category. Much of western music theory regarding rhythm is based on how we wrote it down and how westerners had a hard time notating African and others world music rhythms so they just thought it was noise instead of being much more complicated polyrhythms and micro rhythm. It perfectly normal for many cultures to have a meter that involves multiple pulses or vice versa. Western notation just didn’t know how to write it out or thought it was random. The term “swing” ultimately is a biproduct of this. Lots of interesting music theory history involved with this topic let alone actual harmonic frequency notes.

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