Why are there so many conspiracies about 5G in particular, but not for preexisting cellphone networks?


Why are there so many conspiracies about 5G in particular, but not for preexisting cellphone networks?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just a few assumptions: Some people are fed up with technology, don’t understand it, don’t want to pay for it. It’s not like microwaves hadn’t the same issue to deal with. Radiation is generally “bad” since radioactivity and the sun is also radiation. Nowadays it seems such information gets thrown around much easier and is believed more strongly since everyone is an expert and internet is source of truth. Lastly we were lied to before: with the new generation we will have speeds of “UP TO” XXX Mb/s and only got X Mb/s so this harsh “no thanks” is kinda understandable.

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