Why are TV user interfaces so slow and glitchy?


I feel like TV app’s like Netflix (maybe the exception) / HBO / Hulu / AppleTV+ / et. al. are incredibly slow and pretty poorly designed. When I hit a button a few times on the remote to scroll it will lag, then jump suddenly across a few icons. Computer based apps don’t do this. What gives?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well it’s just like buying any other electronic.

I have an LG CX and it has never slowed down or shown age.

I have a Samsung low-end 4k as well and it is super slow. It just can’t keep up with modern software feature expansion.

Most of your cheaper or mid-range TVs will have a singular processing unit with a tiny bit of RAM.

This processing unit will be in-charge of apps, upscaling, background processing, transcoding, etc.

This is a lot of work for a little ARM processor. It usually takes a beefcake to muscle out good transcoding or upscaling. The app developers try to work within limits of assumed RAM use but they can only sacrifice but so much for low-end or older models.

Once you run out of RAM, usually the system will start using its slow internal storage as a mem swap which is about as effective in this case as Windows Ready Boost.

This all results in a slow TV.

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