Why are UFC/MMA fighters heavier during the fight when compared to weigh ins? Then,What is the point of weigh ins and weight classes?


Why are UFC/MMA fighters heavier during the fight when compared to weigh ins? Then,What is the point of weigh ins and weight classes?

In: Other

5 Answers

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Former Wrestler: The weigh-in process (in general) is a bid to qualify in a weight class beneath yourself so that you have a weight advantage on your opponent in the match.

Because of that, I would purposely dehydrate myself before weigh-ins by doing things like wearing sweatpants, getting into a thick sleeping bag and going to sleep for a few hours before weigh-in to sweat out moisture. Then, after weigh-in, I would rehydrate.

There is more to it, but this is ELI5 after all. I hope this helps you understand the discrepancy in weight from weigh-in to match.

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