Why are voices so unique and distinguishable? Even a single word can let you recognize someone.


Why are voices so unique and distinguishable? Even a single word can let you recognize someone.

In: Biology

13 Answers

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Our ears are very fancy, they are not like single microphone, but rather set of thousands of microphones called [[“hair cells”]](https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/B0000114.jpg/full/880%2C/0/default.jpg), that allow us to distinguish not only a single sound, but also “whole bouquet” of all sound frequencies that fall into our ear.

Someone talking to us might have a major sound that is dominating in their voice, but it will always be a combination of many different sounds and reflections, that’s also how even with our eyes closed we can recognize if a person is standing in front of us or behind.

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