Why are we dhort of breath AFTER running?


So I understand why you get short of breath while running, because your body needs more oxygen, respiratory frequence increases and yada yada.
But why will I stay short of breath for a few whole minutes, even though my oxygen needs have already gone down? Like, a few seconds after running, your oxygen expenses didn’t change much, but they should get back to normal after a few seconds, right?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also you don’t only need to replenish your oxygen supply, but get rid of CO2 which has built up in your body

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two types of respiration anaerobic and aerobic basically respiration with or without oxygen the without one can only be used for a very limited time and produces toxins in the body which need to be disposed of or neutralized by adding oxygen to them. This is where the oxygen debt comes from if you used emergency respiration you now need extra oxygen to deal with the “borrowed” oxygen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its called oxygen debt.

Think of it like….there is a certain cost to a particular activity.

If you are working at an intensity where “cash required” to participate in the activity outpaces your present ability to “pay for it” then you are forced to use credit. And that credit needs to be paid back during the recovery period. Luckily, no interest rates applied 😅

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it still needs to replenish. Also your heart is still beating fast, and for it to just slow down all of a sudden will sent you either into shock or cardiac arrest.