Why aren’t car windows made out of something non-breakable to deter thieves? Or simply laminated like a windshield?


Why aren’t car windows made out of something non-breakable to deter thieves? Or simply laminated like a windshield?

In: 2

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing is really “non-breakable” the question is just how and when it fails. The calculation with glass in cars is that the most important issue is rider/driver safety, and that means a failure mode that doesn’t produce large sharp shards of glass, polycarbonate or whatever material you want to use. It’s also helpful if you as someone inside of the car have a prayer of escaping in the event of an emergency that makes the doors impossible to open.

Thieves are a pain, but not so much as being decapitated by a flying blade of window glass.

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