Why aren’t computers programmed to understand that multiple clicks mean “prioritize this” instead of “open many iterations of this process”?


Why aren’t computers programmed to understand that multiple clicks mean “prioritize this” instead of “open many iterations of this process”?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hey, software dev here, that’s just because we’re dumb.

Seriously, make it so that certain programs can’t be launched several times or making it so that interacting with a window grants it more ressources is doable, within the limits of what’s doable with a given machine.

Just bear in mind that adding more different operations on a fairly simple action, say the left click, might make everyday use of computers harder for those less knowledgeable in tech, and that’s something to avoid at all cost, since it reduces the user base, and if devs actually implemented things that made sense to them like that we’d end up with systems only devs could use.

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