Why aren’t taps and pipes filthy on the inside?


So kitchens and bathrooms need cleaned regularly. The moisture and food in these rooms specifically make it easy for pathogens to grow. Plenty of people get mould problems in their homes. Kitchens need cleaned with disinfectant sprays to make them safe to produce food in.

What about the inside of taps though? Depending on the age of your house, the pipes and taps could be decades old, and will have never been cleaned on the inside, yet we don’t think twice about pouring a glass of water. Why is this? How are the insides not full of rust, grime and bacteria?

In: 160

18 Answers

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Because water runs through them often enough that most things that would start building up get rinsed away pretty quickly. Have you ever taken a dirty dish, put it in the sink, then turned on the water and watched how much of the gunk on the dish gets pushed away immediately, well that’s basically going on inside of the pipe whenever it’s turned on.

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