why aren’t the ingredients for salt just, salt?


Looking here at a salt packet from ncdonalds. What is sodium sulucoaluminate? Also, dextrose and potassium iodide are present. Why isn’t salt just salt?

In: 31

11 Answers

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Salt is a type of compound. More specifically a salt is something that is made up out of electrically charged particles, but they add together to become neutral.

For example, normal table salt is made up of Sodium and Chloride (NaCl), Sodium is positive with +1 and Chloride is negative with -1. Opposite charges attract and they add together to make 0. This is called an Ionic Bond

Other compounds are called Covalent Bonds. This means that the stuff that makes those compounds up are not stuck together because of different charges, instead they share electrons with eachother. Electrons are negative.

With salts however, one of the elements want that negative charge so much, and the other really wants to get rid of it, so the electron jumps over to the other compound. In Covalent Bonds, the elements dont want it that much, so they settle for the next best thing. The negative particle sorts of jumps, but still doesnt, by instead being shared between the atoms making up the compound.

Basically, salts are a type of compound, its what you get from a specific type of connectiom between the particles that make it up. Table Salt is just one type of salt, and its made up of Sodium and Chloride. There are however other salts (and those salts should not be eaten!).

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