As far as I understand, ADHD and ADD are a product of the inability to process dopamine or a deficiency of dopamine. So why are there not tests or screenings that can show with evidence the deficiency and the presence of ADHD?
I’m looking at a possibility that my son(4) could have ADHD and the possibility that a doctor will recommend medication. I am not against medication but I fear putting him on medication that will alter his brain chemistry at such a young age especially if he does not actually have ADHD and the phase that he is going through will be one he will naturally grow out of as his brain develops.
In: Biology
Why? Because our technology has not yet advanced to that level *yet.* It’s the same for diagnosing other psychiatric disorders. You are diagnosed based on reported and observed symptoms. We can use things like various rating scales to help with this and sometimes need labs to rule out various other potential causes. It works really well when done correctly and patients are truthful in reporting. I think that we will have some type of test like you are asking about sometime in the future.
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