Why aren’t there more females than males in most species?


Would it not be more beneficial for a species (population wise) to have more individuals able of giving birth rather than individuals that only increase the population during reproduction?

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9 Answers

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Well, it might seem like having more females would be better for making lots of babies, but it’s not always that simple.

First, it’s important to remember that not all animals give birth in the same way. Some lay eggs, and some have live babies. For animals that lay eggs, like chickens or turtles, it’s usually the females that do all the work of laying and caring for the eggs. For animals that have live babies, both males and females contribute to making the babies, but only the females can actually carry and give birth to them.

Second, having more females than males might not be the best thing for a species because it could upset the balance of the group. If there were too many females and not enough males, the males might have trouble finding mates, and that could make it harder for the group to have babies at all.

Lastly, some species have evolved to have more males or females for various reasons, such as competition for resources, survival strategies or mating behaviors. This means that having an equal number of males and females may not always be the most effective strategy for ensuring the survival of a particular species.

So, in short, having an equal number of males and females (or more females than males) may not be necessary or the most advantageous for every species, and different species have evolved different reproductive strategies to ensure their survival.

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