Why as we get older our memories become more acceptable and more easy to handle?


Why as we get older our memories become more acceptable and more easy to handle?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not entirely clear why memories become more acceptable and easier to handle as we get older. There are a few different theories that have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, but none of them have been definitively proven.

One possible explanation is that, as we age, our brains undergo changes that make it easier for us to process and store memories. For example, the brain’s ability to create new neurons and form new connections between cells, a process known as neuroplasticity, decreases with age. This may make it more difficult for the brain to store and retrieve new information, but it may also make it easier for us to access and use the memories that we already have.

Another possible explanation is that, as we age, we develop a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us, which can make our memories more acceptable and easier to handle. This may be because we have more life experience and knowledge to draw on, which can help us to put our memories into context and make sense of them.

Finally, it’s also possible that the way we think about and remember our past experiences changes as we get older. For example, we may become more accepting of the things that have happened to us, and we may be more able to see the positive aspects of our experiences, even if they were initially difficult or traumatic. This can make our memories more manageable and less stressful.

Overall, there are many factors that may contribute to the phenomenon of memories becoming more acceptable and easier to handle as we get older, and more research is needed to understand this process in greater detail.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As we get older, our brains undergo changes that can affect our memory. These changes can include a decrease in the number of neurons, or brain cells, and a decrease in the connections between neurons. This can make it more difficult to form new memories and to recall old ones. At the same time, older adults often have a greater wealth of experiences to draw on, which can make it easier to remember certain things. Additionally, older adults may have developed strategies for compensating for age-related changes in memory, such as by using mnemonic devices or by relying on other forms of support, such as written notes or calendars.