why autism isn’t considered a personality disorder?


i’ve been reading about personality disorders and I feel like a lot of the symptoms fit autism as well. both have a rigid and “unhealthy” patterns of thinking, functioning and behaving, troubles perceiving and relating to situations and people, the early age of onset, both are pernament

In: 1195

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My 13 year old daughter has severe autism and I have a personality disorder, the difference is quite large.

My daughter was fine until 2 years old where she was progressing normally for a child.
One day she started fitting, rolling her eyes back in her head and shaking either stuck in a kneeling position or flat on the floor, she would wake up after several minutes screaming in pain and then sleep for anywhere between 7 to 14 hours.

Her speech immediately reversed and she could no longer balance properly where even crawling was a struggle and she refused to look into people’s faces.
If anyone shouted or showed any type of playful aggression she would freeze in place like a rigid doll, I was the only one to get her out of it as she is a daddies girl.

Now 13 she is one of the kindest people I have ever met with not an evil bone in her body, mentally she is around 6 to 7 and learning to read and write still and if anything scares her she has no clue what to do and freezes instantly.
She was born this way and it is her brain forever.

Mine is personality disorder.
Due to poor upbringing I was out into foster care and boarding schools from 8 years old to 16 and it left a very poor imprint on my mind as a child so bad that it messed with my personality where it is dysfunctional.

I’m sure you have seen an abused animal before where they are on guard 24/7 snappy and defensive, that is me forever.
It’s not a choice just hardwired into who I am due to abuse beyond the normal ranges.

Autism is born into and permanent.
Personality disorders are from trauma and “can” be treated but with varying degrees of success per individual.

They are very very different.

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