why autism isn’t considered a personality disorder?


i’ve been reading about personality disorders and I feel like a lot of the symptoms fit autism as well. both have a rigid and “unhealthy” patterns of thinking, functioning and behaving, troubles perceiving and relating to situations and people, the early age of onset, both are pernament

In: 1195

32 Answers

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Personality disorders are primarily learned traits. They are not caused by genetic abnormalities or neurochemical changes. Treatment for them is almost entirely centered around talk therapy like CBT to help the person change the way they think about the events of their life. And also EMDR to treat any trauma memories that also tend to affect personality disorders. If you compare them to somatic health problems they are more like chronic injuries.

Autism has been shown to almost certainly be genetic in origin. Treatment for it centers around building an individualized learning plan to help your patient achieve as much functionality as possible so that they may pursue their life goals effectively. It would include things like coping skills, communication-assisting devices, and speech/occupational therapy.

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