Why babies cry so loud, as the noise can potentially attract predators in the wild?


Why babies cry so loud, as the noise can potentially attract predators in the wild?

In: Biology

13 Answers

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Aside from other things mentioned here, babies actively being held to their mother tend to cry quite a bit less, and just for practical reasons if nothing else hunter gatherers tend to keep their babies bundled onto their body pretty much constantly in some sort of clothing or wrap, with access to nurse whenever they wanted. In a lot of species, mothers normally have to leave their baby to go forage or something like that. A deer has to leave a faun, for example. So the baby is adapted to stay quiet when alone. But humans basically never had to leave their babies so humans don’t have that adaptation. As with pretty much everything in child-rearing, your mileage may vary, but we kept our baby on us most of the time and she didn’t cry a whole lot and certainly not if she could nurse.

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