why battery powered tools do not have wall outlet adapters


Besides pricing reasons for the company selling the item, why can’t people make a female connection from the wall plug into a battery/battery adapters?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from charging, that would completely invalidate the purpose of having cordless tools and also severely limits range of motion when using them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve wondered about this too. I’m within easy reach of an outlet probably 70% of the time I’m using power tools. If I run out of battery power, I have to stop working and wait for a recharge. If there was a wall adapter then I could keep working. It’s surprising that no one has come up with after-market wall adapters.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It would be the size of a laptop power supply and would cost as much or more than an extra battery. Lithium batteries charge quickly so you might as well just grab another pack.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It would be cheaper to make a mains-powered drill that uses a high voltage motor, than to make an electronic power supply to power a lower voltage drill from the mains. We’re typically talking about over 500 W of power which, from a 12 V battery, is 42 A; a very chunky power supply.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because batteries have a very high current output. Matching a high end battery tool with a power supply is quite simply not really reasonable. Something like a circular saw or angle grinder probably peaks out at about 600-800 W, or something like 40 Amps at 20 V. That’s one hell of a power supply. I’d expect such a power supply to be at least a $100-200 thing. Few would think that’s a reasonable price for what it does, so it wouldn’t be a profitable product.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Something I haven’t seen mentioned yet is that batteries are DC current and wall outlets are AC current. While possible, it is cumbersome to convert AC to DC for a battery tool and generally not worth the effort.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Pricing Reasons” is the reason. Tools are available at many different price points depending on which features you are willing to pay for. A machine that can run off of multiple power sources requires more design and testing and more electric parts. A company has to figure out if enough people will pay for this extra feature. If they start selling it, but very few people buy it, then they stop selling it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There was a line of tools that did this. You took the battery off and replaced it with a power supply that had a cord. They don’t seem to be around anymore, but there are some manufacturers that sell corded power supplies for their tools.